
The function that started at 10.30 am was meticulously organized and well attended by the family members, relatives and friends of the novices, and the parishioners of St. Kizito and well-wishers and benefactors of the Society of St Paul. Rev Fr Johnson Chacko, the Novice Master was the master of ceremonies and presented the Novices to the Provincial Superior and he received their vows. In his homily, Archbishop congratulated the Novices for their daring step to profess the vows in this time of increasing hostility and difficulties living the evangelical counsels. He reminded the Novices to be Paul alive today.

During the Holy Mass, God’s Word 2013 and St Paul Liturgical Calendar 2013 were released by Archbishop and Bishop respectively. They commented the efforts of the Paulines and hoped that the Word of God may reach out to all the corners of the African continent and beyond.

On the following day, a well-attended thanksgiving Mass was presided by Fr Michael Raj. In his homily he reminded the novices of the struggles one has to endure in living one’s vocation. He thanked the hard work, commitment and dedication of the Novice Master, Novices and the ‘Friends of the Divine Master’ (the faithful who attend Mass and Visit in our chapel regularly). It was also noted that over the last one year, our community in Lagos has grown from just five members to about 300 dedicated Christians growing in their faith. Provincial also gratefully acknowledged the coordinated effort of the members of Nigeria. May Jesus our Divine Master, through the intercession of Mary Queen of the Apostles, St Paul, our Founder Bl. James Alberione and Bl. Timothy Giaccardo, grant us the strength to persevere in our Pauline Vocation. Congratulations and Best wishes to the newly professed!


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