The Postulancy

Postulancy is a year of preparation to enter the canonical year of Novitiate during which the candidate is helped to discern his Vocation. The candidate’s aptitude for Pauline vocation and his motivation are verified during this period.

Postulancy is also a time for ascertaining the degree of their human, spiritual and religious formation, and if necessary, to upgrade it in order to prepare them sufficiently for the Novitiate. The programme of the year is oriented towards helping the candidate to know Pauline life more closely and to make certain that he really feels called to this life (cfr CD, 100).

After sufficient instruction and reflection, the candidate expresses his choice of vocation in embracing the Pauline life as a Priest or as a Brother (cfr RF, 199 & 199.1).

1. Goals:

  • Deeper mutual understanding between the candidate and the Congregation.
  • To help the candidate to make a free decision regarding his vocation.
  • To enable the candidate to make a gradual transition to a consecrated way of life.
  • To make a tentative judgement on the aptitudes and the vocation of the candidate.
  • To verify if the candidate has sufficient knowledge of religious life.
  • To make sure that the candidate has reached the emotional maturity necessary for undertaking the obligations of religious life.
  • To lead the candidate to a more intense life of prayer and intimacy with the Lord through spiritual direction and meditation on religious life and consecration.

2. Programme:

  • Initiation into personal prayer, spiritual reading and meditation on the Word of God.
  • Greater involvement in the apostolate by way of giving them more responsibilities and encouraging creativity.
  • Develop in the candidate the maturity required to commit himself as a religious.

The year of Postulancy should include the following classes and programmes:

  • English Language, Grammar, Phonetics
  • Life & Charism of the Founder
  • Prayer & methods of Prayer
  • Human Formation
  • Introduction to  Scripture
  • Introduction to Religious Life
  • Spiritual Direction
  • Basics of Creative Writing
  • Personality Development
  • Pauline Apostolate
  • Human Sexuality
  • Vocation and Discernment
  • Basics of Computer
  • Retreat.

3. Means:

The means are centred on three points: dialogue, study and apostolic experience. One should give greater importance to:

•   A more personalized accompaniment of the candidate, with a periodic evaluation on the motive of his choice (cfr RF, 201).

•   Entrusting responsibilities gradually, especially in the apostolic sector (cfr RF, 201.1).

•   Acquiring greater knowledge on the techniques of Communication Media.

•   Knowing more about the history of religious life.

4. Evaluation:

  1. The local Council for Formation should make an Evaluation of Postulants after each semester. The help of an expert could be sought for assessing the personality and aptitude of a candidate.
  2. Towards the end of the Postulancy, the master makes a report on each postulant in consultation with the local Council for Formation and makes an overall assessment of the candidate to ascertain whether he is fit or not to be promoted to Novitiate.
  3. These reports are to be approved by the Local Council and Provincial Council for admission to the Novitiate.

Some Practical Hints for Evaluation:

  1. The authenticity of his motivation and the kind of behaviour it implies.
  2. His sense of responsibility and faithfulness to his duties.
  3. His sense of belonging to the Congregation.
  4. His ability to dialogue with his spiritual director and master.
  5. His ability to distinguish the two options: Brotherhood and Priesthood in the Pauline life.
  6. His love for and commitment to the Pauline Apostolate.

Goal to be achieved: Belongingness to the Congregation and love for Pauline Apostolate.

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