Andrea Borello was born in Mango, in the vicinity of Alba in North Italy, on Wednesday, March 8, 1916. His parents were simple farmers, but devout Catholics. 

Br Andrea Borello

Borello sanctified his youth through prayer. He accepted and offered his labour in the spirit of St Joseph as a means of attaining holiness for himself and redemption for humanity. Enthusiastically he served among the ranks of the Catholic Youth Organization.

Responding to the Lord’s call, he entered the Society of St Paul as an aspirant to Brotherhood on 8, 1936 at the age of twenty. With the desire to render maximum glory to God and to benefit souls, he consecrated himself totally to God with the Religious Vows. He collaborated with the Pauline Priests in the work of evangelization through the use of the modern means of social communication.

He felt himself unworthy of such great favours from God and often requested the assistance of others through prayer saying; “Ask the Lord that I may obtain the grace of humility.” The following words express the depth to which he lived in correspondence to his calling and his mandate: “How beautiful it is to be united to the priest; to feel and to provide for the needs of souls in collaboration with him. It is a life similar to that of a mother who provides for the needs of her children.”

Because of his great love for his vocation and for the Congregation, in March 1948, with the consent of his spiritual director, he made a special offeringof his life to God requesting the grace of fidelity for all those who are called by God.

Because of his great love for his vocation and for the Congregation, in March 1948, with the consent of his spiritual director, he made a special offering of his life to God requesting the grace of fidelity for all those who are called by God. This intention accompanied him in his total oblation and suffering until death. These are his words: “There is one thing which causes me great sorrow: the fact that some are unfaithful to their vocation”. 

On Saturday morning, 4 September1948, the saintly Brother Borello died of consumption at the age of thirty two. Just before his entry into the eternal Home, he exhorted his brothers saying: “Let us love each other always. We will see each other again in Paradise.”

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