Blessed James Alberione has synthesized the scope of Pauline formation in the spiritual experience of our Father Saint Paul: "It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me" (Gal 2:20). The ideal of holiness and apostolic mission of a Pauline is a slow but constant process of becoming more and more like Jesus Master, Way, Truth and Life as he is lived and preached by St Paul: "Until Christ is formed in me" (Gal 4:19).

The ultimate goal of Pauline formation is to become Christ-like. Formation is a lifelong process by which a candidate grows to the fullness of Christ after the example and spirit of St Paul and commits himself to evangelization through the means of social communication (cfr RF, p.41ff).

Our Founder recommends us to cultivate an integral formation with a method which will establish priorities: first the man, then the Christian, then the religious and finally the Pauline. Integral Pauline formation, in all the aspects of the personality and in different areas of education, aims at helping the candidate in Pauline life to become an apostle who evangelizes with the means of communication. “The renewal of the Congregation requires a complete updating of the process of integral formation aimed at the mission at all levels and for all the age groups within an international dimension” (AGC X, 3.1). Evangelization with the means of communication is the indelible 'reason to be' in this Congregation and it is the clear objective to be kept in mind in all the stages of formation and to be lived in all the aspects of Pauline life.

The education that is imparted in the Society of St Paul is entirely oriented towards one’s wholesome growth: human, intellectual, apostolic and spiritual. The candidate learns to develop his potential to the full in order to do justice to the call he has received. To achieve his ultimate goal he leaves aside all that is useless and irrelevant and works towards establishing a relationship between the supernatural spirit and the apostolate, study and human formation and all that affects the person in formation (cfr UPS II, 191 & 194).


Pauline formation implies:

  • Growing into a genuine human person: honest, responsible, sensitive, industrious, approachable, capable of team-work, generous, warm, joyful, hospitable, simple, loving, etc.
  • Discovering, assimilating and deepening the Pauline Charism and mission.
  • Growing in the knowledge of the thought and the work of the Founder (cfr AGC X, 13.3).
  • Becoming aware that it is the Spirit of the Risen Lord that guides us and continues to lavish abundant riches on the Congregation and on the entire Pauline Family (cfr AGC X, 13.3).
  • Growing in deeper union with Jesus Christ, our Master, the Way, the Truth and the Life.
  • Arriving at a better understanding of one's vocation and mission with its challenges in the complex culture of mass media communication.
  • Being alert to read the signs of the times in a rapidly changing society and responding creatively to the various pastoral needs of the Church and the society through the means of social communication.


A. Broad Goals of Pauline Formation

  • To enable the candidates to grow in the awareness and appreciation of the gift of self and the gift of others as experienced in their encounter with Jesus Master in the Pauline Community and in the Apostolate of social communication.
  • To study the doctrinal and ascetical principles which are basic to consecrated life.
  • To assist the candidates to deepen the awareness and understanding of their mission in the modern Indian Society with its rich and ancient cultures and traditions, its religious values and spiritual heritage such as the value of silence, the quest for the Absolute, and its socio-economic, political and religious problems, etc.
  • To lead the candidates to a deeper prayer life: personal, communitarian and liturgical.
  • To help the candidates to grow in Pauline Charism in view of holiness of life and evangelization of humankind through the media of communication (cfr PC XVI, p. 57).


B. Areas of Formation at Every Stage

1. Spiritual Development:

  • To develop an increasing awareness of oneself as a Christian.
  • To deepen the awareness of one's relationship to God, self, others and the world.
  • To recognize  one's personal vocation as a call from God to this Congregation.
  • To know and experience the meaning of consecrated life.
  • To accept the centrality of Jesus, our Master, the Way, the Truth and the Life in the life of a Pauline.
  • To learn to integrate one's life with prayer and apostolate.
  • To integrate oneself into the Pauline spirituality.

2. Moral Development:

  • To clarify personal values and integrate them with the values of consecrated life.
  • To understand and appreciate the values related to the Vows.

3. Affective Development:

  • To deepen the awareness of self with all its goodness and limitations.
  • To develop an appreciation and acceptance of self and others.
  • To attain maturity for developing genuine relationships/friendships.
  • To learn to accept one's shortcomings as well as those of others.
  • To develop values of self-discipline, responsibility, generosity, sacrifice, etc.
  • To develop the ability to choose and to be committed to the choices made, accepting them and their consequences.
  • To develop the emotional maturity required of one's age.

4. Academic Development:

  • To study the theology of spiritual life, vows, etc.
  • To study the doctrinal and ascetical principles of consecrated life.
  • To study the Charism and mission of the Congregation, especially its spiritual and apostolic dimensions.
  • To pursue studies in art and science, particularly in subjects related to social communication.

5. Apostolic Development:

  • To understand one's vocation as a call to mission within our Congregation.
  • To integrate vocation, mission and personal holiness.
  • To develop pastoral sensitivity, making one's consecration to flow out in pastoral compassion and action.
  • To prepare oneself to announce the Good News with the most modern means of communication.

6. Community Development:

  • To discover oneself in relation to others in the community.
  • To appreciate the strengthening and supporting power of a community of love.
  • To develop the spirit of initiative, responsibility and accountability.
  • To learn to share in the vision and mission of the community.
  • To learn to give oneself generously and selflessly in love.

7. Social Development:

  • To keep pace with the changing society.
  • To conscientize oneself about the social issues of the country.
  • To develop an ecological sensitivity.
  • To learn to live with others from different cultural and linguistic backgrounds.
  • To develop respect for other religions.

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