
On 29 June 2016, the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul, the Society of St Paul, Ibadan, Nigeria, became the venue of a historic event as the first two members from the Nigeria soil, namely Obasi Martins and Gerard Tanko made their perpetual profession. After 11 years of studies and preparations, including a year of Charism course in Rome, Martins and Gerard courageously came forward to pronounce their definitive YES to the Divine Master’s call to work in his vineyard.

The solemn Eucharistic celebration was presided over by Most Rev. Peter Kayode Odetoyinbo of Abeokuta Diocese who was the Seminary professor of Bros Martins and Gerard and a good friend of the Society of St Paul, Nigeria. Rev. Fr Johnson Vattakunnel received the vows on behalf of the Provincial Superior. Very Rev. Fr Paul Ighabor, the Parish priest of St Kizito’s Parish, Lagos, and a large number of Paulines (SSP & FSP), priests, relatives and friends were present on the occasion.

Bishop Peter, in his homily, while appreciating the Charism of the Society of St Paul said that Blessed James Alberione had only one mission, vision and objective: evangelization of the world through the media of communication. He challenged the candidates to perpetual profession to put into practice Blessed Alberione’s teaching of complete conformation to Christ: to become total Christ, the Way, the Truth and the Life. He urged them to be good Christians first in order to be good religious. Our happiness does not consist in what we acquire, but in how we live and give our lives for others. We, like St Paul, need to ‘fight the good fight’ in order to win the crown.

At the beginning of the Mass, Fr Johnson welcomed the gathering and acknowledged the contribution of those pioneering Paulines in Nigeria who laboured hard to see this great day. The felicitation that followed the mass ended with a fellowship meal for all. The entire celebration was meticulously planned and organized by the Superior, Fr Blaise Kandathil and the community of Ibadan and Fr Joe Eruppakkatt, the Coordinator of Formation, Nigeria.

We congratulate and wish our first two flowers of the Nigerian soil every best in their Pauline life and mission as well as their preparations for the sacred orders in the coming months.


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