
A dream has come true for the family members, people of Iju and members of the Pauline family when three of our novices Arinze James Edeh, Paschal Chinedu Mbah and Shinshima Alfred Desmond made their first religious commitment during the Solemn Eucharist Celebration on 22 September 2015.

The Solemn concelebrated Holy Eucharist was presided over by Rev Fr Michael Raj, Provincial Superior along with Frs Thomas M J, the Director of Formation, Johnson Chacko, Provincial Councillor, Joseph Jose, Novice Master, other Pauline Priests, Brothers and Sisters, Priests and religious of the archdiocese of Lagos, family members, friends, benefactors and a large number of the faithful. In his homily, Fr Provincial invited the novices to become powerful witnesses to Christ, Church and to our Pauline Mission. While appreciating the daring step they have taken in their life, he challenged them to be committed Paulines at the service of the Word through means of communication.

After the Holy Eucharist, the newly professed brothers were felicitated in a typical Nigerian style and it was indeed a memorable celebration for all. The celebration was brought to close with a fellowship meal.

Congratulations and Best Wishes dear Brothers!


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