
With immense joy and profound gratitude, the Pauline Family in Nigeria together with St Brendan Parish, Obinagu Uwani Akpugo, witnessed the heart-lifting Priestly Ordination of Deacon James Arinze Edeh, on Saturday, 24 October 2020. He was ordained by Most Rev. Dr. Ernest Obodo, the Auxiliary Bishop of Enugu, who was assisted by Fr Peter Perunnilathil. Bishop began his homily by thanking God for the gift of ordination Rev James has received. He posited, “Priesthood is a mystery beyond human understanding. The priest is human to the core. He is also weak and therefore needs prayers of everyone.” He also added that today’s ordination is special because the ordinant was ordained a deacon during the pandemic, now he will be ordained a priest in the time of EndSARS protest. Through all these, he will be an icon of peace. Pandemic and protest will pass and peace will reign. He also expressed his gratitude towards us Paulines for our presence in Nigeria and the wonderful apostolate we do for the people of Nigeria.

Besides his parents and siblings, Fr James was joined by many priests, seminarians of the diocese of Enugu and a large number of religious and faithful. It was a great moment to witness as the congregation in their traditional way thanked God as the son of the soil was ordained a priest.

Fr Peter Perunnilathil on behalf of the Pauline Family thanked the parish priest Rev Fr Marcel Ani, the Parish Council and the Parishnors for meticulously planning and organizing the event.

On the following day of the Ordination, Fr James celebrated his first solemn Holy Eucharist of thanksgiving in the same parish where he was ordained. Fr James is the third Pauline priest from Nigeria. The celebration ended with a fellowship meal for all who were present on the occasion.

Congratulations dear Fr James! Almighty God, who called you into the ministerial priesthood, may grant you the wisdom and strength to lead a committed


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