
It was a moment of immense joy, when on the 26th of November 2020, jr. Pascal Chinedu Mbah and jr. Desmond Shinshima Alfred, made their final vows.  The ceremony took place at 6:30 P.M in the community chapel at Ibadan, and witnessed by students, friends and a relative.  The Provincial delegate, Fr Jikson Mullasseril, presided the Mass and received the vows on behalf of the Provincial Superior. Other concelebrants were Fr Joseph the Coordinator of Formation for Nigeria, Fr Robert Correa, the Superior of the community, and Fr James Edeh the newly ordained priest.

The celebration coincided with the Feast of our Blessed Founder James Alberione and the beginning of the Pauline year of the Bible. In his Homily Fr Jikson stressed that “there is joy in surrendering and belonging to Jesus”. He added that “for the world it may seem illogical and bizarre, what Pascal and Desmond are doing, but both are convinced that in God alone is lasting joy found and have freely taken the bold step to commit their lives to Him”. He reiterated that “the pronouncement of their final vows, was an act of love to God who loved them first”.  And the vows, should enable them to love Him in return with undivided hearts, trust him as the only treasure and surrender their will to do his will.

He explained the exemplary life and legacies of James Alberione, and admonished Pascal and Desmond to follow in his footstep of accomplishing everything through prayer, spending time before the Eucharist and dedicating their lives for the Gospel. He reminded all present at the mass to cease this year of the Bible to deepen their knowledge of Scripture and strive to apply its teachings, which will result in the transformation and transfiguration of their lives. We congratulate Pascal and Desmond and wish them the best for the future.

In the same community of Ibadan, the day before, November 25, Ador Celsus Unimke, Isaac Sonsha Mimi, Abi Francis, Joseph Egbador, Onyimonyi Francis Chukwuebuka,  Adinnu Samuel Nnmadi,  Nzeh Onyekachi Sixtus, Asogwa Kennedy, Idiku, Odobor Raphael Emeka, were admitted to postulancy. The officiating priest Fr Robert Correa, the superior spelt out the requirements of the congregation. He said “they were to grow into genuine human persons, discover, assimilate and deepen their understanding of the Pauline Charism and mission, grow in the knowledge of the thought and work of the founder and finally grow in deeper union with Christ, the Master, the Way, the truth and the Life.”  At the end of the ceremony the superior entrusted the postulants to the care of their Master Fr Praveen Chirathara, and will be assisted by Fr Gerard Tanko.

In the community of Lagos, the same day November 25, five postulants: Sunday Oche, Stanislaus Nkanta, Paul Sanya, Joseph Anigwe, and Ernest Ndebilite entered the canonical year of novitiate in Lagos. The event took place in the evening and was officiated by the provincial councilor Fr Jikson Mullasseril, and assisted by the Novice Master Fr Joseph. He explained to the newly admitted novices the importance of the novitiate and reminded them that they begin as ordinary religious, but should finish as Holy religious. It was a joyful occasion for the community of Lagos and we wish the novices a fruitful and blessed year of novitiate.



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