
Society of St Paul, Nigeria, witnessed yet another moment of blessing on 8 September 2017. Our three Novices – Muogbo Michael, Obumkaneme Valentine and Bassahwa Bakam Yohanna – took the bold step of making their first religious profession in the community of Lagos. They arrived at this moment of total dedication after spending seven years in the congregation and undergoing their formation as aspirants, students of philosophy, postulancy and finally the novitiate. The Holy Eucharist, during which the profession took place, was presided over by Rev. Fr. Johnson Vattakkunnel, Provincial Councilor who was specially delegated by the acting Provincial Superior to receive the vows. In his homily Fr Johnson highlighted the aspects of prayer, faithfulness and commitment. He challenged them to remain ever faithful to the commitment they were making to God. Nothing should separate them or distract them from following the Lord in total self giving through the evangelical vows.

Fr Johnson thanked Fr Jikson, the novice Master and all the formators who accompanied them and guided them to the moment of their religious commitment. He also acknowledged the spirit of sacrifice and generosity shown by the parents of the newly professed and thanked them for gifting their children to the society of St Paul and to the Church. He asked them to continue praying for them and supporting them in their journey as consecrated religious. The celebration of the day came to an end with an entertainment programme and refreshments. The worshipping community of Lju, Lagos, under the leadership of Frs Jikson, Emmanuel and Martins worked hard to plan and make the event truly memorable one. Over 300 lay faithful, besides several priests, religious and members of the Pauline Family, witnessed the event and gave glory to God.

On 7 September 2017, three of our postulants entered the canonical year of Novitiate and six of our aspirants entered the year of Postulancy in the community of Lagos, Nigeria. The function, organized during the Holy Hour of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, was officiated by Fr Joe Eruppakkatt, the Coordinator of Formation in Nigeria. He reminded the newly admitted novices and postulants of the importance of these respective stages of formation and asked them to adopt of 5-point mantra: love for the Holy Scripture, love for the Holy Eucharist, Love for the Holy Mother Mary, Love for the Congregation, and Love for the mission. He then officially entrusted the novices and the postulants to the care of their Master Fr Jikson Mullasseril.



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