
On 02 January 2022, theSolemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord, the Society of Saint Paul, Nigeria Region, formally began its apostolate in Ghana with the opening ofa state-of-artBook and Media Centre!The facility was blessed and inaugurated at Kutunse, Accra by Reverend Father John Kobina Louis, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Accra in the presence ofFather Joseph Kandachamkunnel,Regional Superior. Present on the occasion were the local Chief of Kutunse, priests and parishioners ofSaint Bakhita and neighbouring parishes.

Addressing the gathering,Father Josephexpressed joyat the realization of the first project of the new Region and assured thosepresent that the very purpose of the Pauline presence in Ghanawas to remain committed toserving the Church and people of Ghanathrough our apostolate. Father JiksonMullasseril in his Vote of Thanks appreciatedthe cordial welcome received from His Grace, Most Rev John Bonaventure Kwofie, Archbishop of Accra, and for His Grace’s guidance in realizing this dream;he also thanked the General Government of the Society of Saint Paul forits constant support and encouragement. Hefurtherexpressed his indebtednessto the Vicar General, representing the Archbishop, for making himself available for this event. Father Jikson also appreciated the presence of the patrons and friends of the Society of Saint Paul for their encouragement and support in realizing the project.

Thosevisitingthe centre expressedmuch joy and gratitude forthe commencement ofthe Pauline mission in their midst. Many shared their surprise and delight at the quality and variety of books and religious articles on display,wondering aloudwhy we had not begun our mission earlier in their country!The solemn occasionconcluded withlight refreshments.

We thank FathersJiksonMullasseril andGeorge Augustin, the pioneers of the Mission, forthe sacrifices they made and for their commitment and dedicationin realizing this dream project of the Society of Saint Paul in Ghana.


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